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How To Run My Sprinklers In Colorado?


Here in colorful Colorado, to water our lawns correctly means to water our lawns efficiently. To water efficiently with the use of a sprinkler system, we delicately balance between our lawns Absorption capacity and Runoff point. In Colorado, the natural soil is either a clay base or sand base. Generically speaking, clay soils only have the capacity to absorb 1" of water per hour. This capacity slightly increases with plantings and established ground covers like sod and will take less frequent irrigation than sand-based soils. Sand-based soils have a far greater absorption capacity and will require a longer watering period to accurately water the subsurface root zone. Any sprinkler system set to exceed the soils absorption capacity will result in wasteful runoff. Consider that typical Colorado lawns will need 2.5" of water a week to thrive and newly installed sod needs 1-1.5" of water per water in the heat of the summer to survive. One can start to see difficulties that arise by the degrees of variance in watering from month to month, lawn to lawn in Colorado.


Colorado State University says the ideal watering period for our climate is between 10p.m. and 6a.m. This takes advantage of the plant’s natural absorption time, which typically falls around when the dew point occurs. Also, in this timeframe it is generally cooler, less windy, and the humidity is higher, so evaporation rates are less. In residential homes, water pressure may also be higher at this time providing a more even spray distribution pattern. Additionally, healthy lawns require a sufficient dry-out period which helps to prevent disease. Watering outside of the plants natural absorption period means the necessary and natural dry out period is shortened, which is detrimental to plant health and not water efficient. Here at LandCrafts, we recommend checking with your local municipality to see if there are any watering restrictions. Example: Denver, Colorado does not allow for watering between 10a.m.-6p.m.


To water lawns efficiently so that they absorb water properly and to avoid wasteful runoff a Cycle and Soak program must be implemented into sprinkler systems. In short, it is method of irrigation where water is applied in multiple shorter cycles, rather than one longer watering period. This allows the water to soak into the soil before running off, promoting a deeper root zone and healthier plants. Most new sprinkler control timers can store multiple programs, which will easily allow you to divide the zone times. Simply take the total time for each zone and divide it into multiple cycles. From the below watering chart, courtesy of Denver Water, if the needed time for a zone is 30 minutes, first set the zone to run for 15 minutes, cycle through all other zones, then in another program repeat the remaining 15 minutes for every zone. The time in between the programed watering allows for ideal absorption into the soil without any wasteful runoff.

Here at LandCrafts we typically implement Rotary/High efficiency nozzles into systems we install. Even though they require longer watering times this new technology uses less water than standard fixed spray heads. Because the water is applied more slowly, more water can efficiently soak into the soil. The individual streams are stronger and layered resulting in better coverage and more even distribution of water. This will reduce brown spots and are the perfect solution for hillsides, windy areas, and garden applications. LandCrafts also implements on site rain sensors into the systems we install to shut off the sprinklers in the event they are programed to run while it is raining. This will further prevent wasteful runoff and result increased water savings. Also, we always provide detailed instructions and information to our clients for system operation, programing, and maintenance. We say, “The sprinkler system is only as smart as the homeowner”. Fortunately, as sprinkler technology continues to upgrade, more and more municipalities are offering product rebates to homeowners whose sprinkler system implements technologies like a rain sensor, rotary nozzles, and smart sprinkler control timers. Here is a link to Denver Water’s product rebate list for sprinklers systems:

Other Useful Tips:

To further increase the efficiency of sprinklers systems, it is recommended adjustments are made on a seasonal/multi-seasonal basis. By adjusting sprinkler heads so that no water is being emitted onto xeriscape or concrete surfaces, water efficiency will increase resulting in better plant health and water savings. Seasonal adjustment of sprinkler control timers will also yield substantial water savings and better plant health because it reduces the chance of over watering which can result in wasteful runoff and plant disease. By monitoring your system for any leaks will greatly increase sprinkler system efficiency. Be sure to check for any leaking heads, valves, or pipes to ensure no water being inadvertently wasted. Also, to ensure the longevity of sprinkler systems, please remember to winterize the system on an annual basis. Neglecting this important step can cause not only great harm to your sprinkler system but also can severely damage a home’s internal piping. Additional to greatly increase the efficiency of your sprinkler system, it is recommended to implement a drip system to water all plants like shrubs, flowers, and trees.

Useful Links:


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